Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Five Things that Don't Suck, Still Determinedly Optimistic Edition

1. baby manatees
2. cookies
3. that too-young-to-know-better thickly-Boston-accented girl I met in my undergrad who wanted to know how Jimmy Buffet could possibly have cut his heel on a Pop Tart*
4. the fact that someone (Mrs. Estes, maybe?) made the decision that the Jr. High chorus was old enough to sing "Margaritaville" but not old enough to have booze in the blender, and forced them to sing "juice" instead, in order to avoid offending anyone**
5. margaritas***

*Blew out my flip flop / Stepped on a Pop Tart...
** Note to any middle-school chorus instructors out there: if you're singing "Margaritaville," the blender-based booze is already more than implied, my friend
***Rocks and salt, please

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