Saturday, March 12, 2016

Five Things that Don't Suck, Sunny Saturday Edition

1. the bees are back*
2. watching them clean out the hives
3. hoping for honey this summer because this past year has been missing something
4. mint
5. long, warm days

*well, technically, they've been here all along--but they're back outside

Friday, March 11, 2016

Five Things That Don't Suck, Friday Before Spring Break Edition

1. jeans
2. relaxed cups of coffee
3. at, say, 8 a.m. instead of 6:30
4. or maybe not jeans. Maybe PJs
5. preparing to push forward to May

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Five Things that Don't Suck, Off-Campus Artist Day Edition

1. the pile of t-shirts and such on my dining room table, waiting for me
2. cards that are ready to be sewn
3. having some time to do some of it*
4. not really knowing what comes next
5. doing whatever it is anyway

*t-shirts, sadly, have to wait to the weekend because I need 4 hands

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Five Things that Don't Suck, Sunny Tuesday Edition

1. my weekly phone call with my folks
2. my folks
3. opening the moon roof on the way home from campus
4. getting this list in under the wire before I have to go to campus
5. learning new stuff

Monday, March 7, 2016

Five Things that Don't Suck, Week Before Spring Break Edition

1. focused, engaged students who have certainly not already checked out
2. not having any meetings on Friday afternoon
3. being able to look forward to a whole week of reading, writing, and art
4. and maybe a little sleeping in
5. focused, engaged professors who have certainly not already checked out

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Five Things that Don't Suck, Another Random Sunday Edition

1. Lynda Carter
2. education for the sake of being educated
3. blueberry muffins
5. dinner and a movie