Friday, December 9, 2016

Five Things that Don't Suck, Octopus Edition

1. octopodes
2. how nobody believes me when I say "octopodes" is a word
3. the fact that it really, really is
4. suckers
5. intelligence

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Five Things that Don't Suck, Last Day of Classes Edition

1. snickerdoodles
2. or any cookies, really, but snickerdoodles are a perennial favorite
3. perennials
4. being so close to winter break I can almost taste it
5. getting my grading done early

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Five Things that Don't Suck, Dad's Birthday Edition

1. my dad
2. his birthday
3. remembering to call him*
4. having already given him his gift
5. the love of reading

*theoretical but probable

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Five Things that Don't Suck, Last Day of (This) Class Edition

1. engaged students
2. even when they're tired
3. taking time to get to know them as people
4. even when I'm tired
5. how close they are to being able to go home

Monday, December 5, 2016

Five Things that Don't Suck, Let's Do This Edition

1. the last week of classes
2. not actually having classes today*
3. students
4. the whole "buckling down" thing
5. counting the number of times the alarm will go off before the end of the semester**

*helllooooo, tutorials!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Five Things that Don't Suck, Chilly Sunday Edition

1. oatmeal*
2. coffee
3. cocoa
4. perhaps a mid-afternoon cappuccino
5. chicken pot pie

*Sorry, Julie