Sunday, November 30, 2014

Five Things that Don't Suck, I'm Getting Older, Too Edition

1. getting an email from your nephew in which he addresses you and your mother (his grandmother) as "Hey Guys!"
2. seeing some bees out on cleansing flights this morning*
3. sleeping as late as I want without anybody giving me a hard time about it**
4. comfortable shoes
5. realizing that the kids' table is still the kids' table, no matter how tall we've become

*if they're not dead, they're getting older. Don't pretend this doesn't fit with the theme. You know it does.
**no one's gonna give me a hard time about the nap I'll be taking later, either

1 comment:

  1. "if they're not dead, they're getting older" seems like a good line for a poem.


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