Friday, April 19, 2013

Five Things that Don't Suck, Deliberately Oblivious Edition

Note: It is especially on days like these that I need to concentrate on FTTDS. It would be far easier to focus on the damage and the fear, and to spend the day watching newscasters alternately spread rumors or admit they don't know anything, because I am just as guilty of wanting to know NOW as anyone else. The news and the internet is full of stories of violence in the city that has been "my" city since I was a child. I am praying for everyone involved--the citizens who are on lockdown in their homes this morning, the victims, the families and friends of the victims, the first responders...the list goes on and on. Stay safe, Boston.

1. chocolate chips
2. peanut butter fudge
3. snickerdoodles
4. seeing students I haven't seen all semester
5. Cookie Day

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